Making small plans only makes you achieve them fast and not take the time to work for it. Make big plans that will give you hard time but you know that you will complete it. Show the world that you can be better and achieve big goals in life. Sometimes you plans may not turn out how you wanted it to be, but don't worry its a sign that something out there will make it even more better. Plans can big, small, bad, and good but depends on you wither you will achieve it or do it. Plans always requires hard work and many other stuff because they are big or if they are small they require not that much work. Make your goals high and don't stop until you get there. Push yourself to get there don't give up you can do it. This means that you can succeeded in life you cant give up on goals that you have you a least have to try to get there. even if there is obstacles in the way. Theses things that are on you way on give you motivation on give up. Don't let that motivation get to you.
2. Do what they fear. be brave enough to do new things things that they fear of. This means to do what other people fear of doing, like when you fear something of course your not going to want to do it cause that's your fear. But you should try conquering your fear because you can't fear something for the rest of your life. Sometimes its better to get over your fear than staying scared forever.
3. Are willing to prepare. Dont ever make yourself look back at your past because they only thing it will help you do is remember and regret things you did. prepare yourself for the future. Plan out your things you will do and set goals to accomplish them and be a great person. There is no rules for what you will plan be yourself and plan without fear. You dont want to win just like that, prepare yourself and win because you did hard work to get there where you are. If your luck from that preparation you will get opportunities. Prepare yourself its not to late to do it. Let go of the past ans prepare yourself for the future which is more important.
4. Are willing to risk failure. Failures aren't that bad of a thing there are just mistakes all people can do. Nobody is perfect in this world. Make failures help you to make the same mistake. Do worry about failing worry about not taking that chance to try it. Failures can determine your a winner because you didnt gave up and did anything to accomplish even if it was wrong. Never a failure its a lesson. Its impossible to live without make any mistakes. take a chance and fail something it won't hurt you i promise. Yes failure may defeat you but it inspires you do a better job.
5. Are teachable. They learn from people and they teach others. Be a role model and a leader, to become teachable for others. If you did anything and keep getting better and better you will be able to teach it to everyone that needs that help. A great teach will be you will able to look but the see the importance of it. help yourself or don't help no one, if you haven't helped yourself. this attitude is really good because it helps you to tell ether you are teachable. To learn many different things in life. b
6. Have heart. A high achiever has a good heart, to do anything he dose. Having a good heart means that you help, trust, give and love to people who need it. Yes many people have beauty but the beauty doesn't give stuff i shines brighter than someone who has a good heart. Good heart helps you help others when they are needed for help. The good heart wonders around searching for answers. Our hearts can do the bad thing but it helps us know what not to do again. Having a heart determines ether you are a good person or a bad one. Yeah you have a good heart, and you help others. But you are not helping yourself when you need that help. Stop helping others and help yourself.
Well now we know what it takes to be a high achiever. The six attitudes that will take you on that way. I feel that these attitudes and many others will determine ether you will succeed in life. Or be a CTR person. My thoughts about this is really important to decide ether you will stick to those attitudes or change then. But if you change them they have to be positive and make you succeed. I would like to become a high achiever. because im having treble right now with some classes and i want to pass them. Being a high achiever means having dedication on what you will do to succeeded in life. Be a Ctr person and doright thing to you and others.
2. Do what they fear. be brave enough to do new things things that they fear of. This means to do what other people fear of doing, like when you fear something of course your not going to want to do it cause that's your fear. But you should try conquering your fear because you can't fear something for the rest of your life. Sometimes its better to get over your fear than staying scared forever.
5. Are teachable. They learn from people and they teach others. Be a role model and a leader, to become teachable for others. If you did anything and keep getting better and better you will be able to teach it to everyone that needs that help. A great teach will be you will able to look but the see the importance of it. help yourself or don't help no one, if you haven't helped yourself. this attitude is really good because it helps you to tell ether you are teachable. To learn many different things in life. b
Well now we know what it takes to be a high achiever. The six attitudes that will take you on that way. I feel that these attitudes and many others will determine ether you will succeed in life. Or be a CTR person. My thoughts about this is really important to decide ether you will stick to those attitudes or change then. But if you change them they have to be positive and make you succeed. I would like to become a high achiever. because im having treble right now with some classes and i want to pass them. Being a high achiever means having dedication on what you will do to succeeded in life. Be a Ctr person and doright thing to you and others.
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