1. I like this class because you would really learn about how computer works and because me and brianna we would talk alot about anything. Especially makeup.
2. I did not like that we have to much time out.
3. A recommendation is to give 30 minutes of free time at the end of the class.
4. A highlight for me was learning bout HTML.
5. Yes to be honest i really did do me best that i can be.
6. Yes i am best i know that i can do it and accomplish all my goals bye the end of this summer.
7. Yes i am committed to be a ctr student to become the best and pass junior year. To later on become a senior.
8. I learned many things that i will keep on mind to help me succeed in life.
9. I will always remember the big smile of Haymore and the talks me and brianna had.
Exploring Computer Science
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Final Student Success Statement
" You will go far with CTR." - Mr. Haymore
Reflection: And i think it sis really true because many people that have choose the wrong really don't go anywhere and have trouble getting out of the whole. When you choose the wrong it makes your life difficult why? do you want it that way when you can choose the right and succeed in life. Me as a person i am a "CTR Student" . Because for me as myself know what is wrong and right. This quote has been said to me throughout all of my sophomore year. It has become part of my daily life to be reminded to choose the right. It is very important because when you make positive choices you put positive actions out in the world. When you choose the right people tend to respect you more and admire you. Throughout this year I’ve made some mistakes and i wish i could’ve choose the right. Actions speak louder than words. That’s the ultimate reason why you should always do good. When you are being tested wether to choose the wrong or the right, you should always chose the right even if at times it doesn’t seem like the brightest idea. I had the chance to listen and learned from Mr. Haymore he has given me and other classmates a lot of advice's but the greatest of all is to choose the right. That’s the most memorable thing about this class.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
What is Memorial Day?Memorial Day, an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, at least, it marks the beginning of summer.
When is it?
May 30
What are some ways to show honor and respect on Memorial Day?
- Fly the Flag
- Say Thank You
- Support the Military Families
- Visit the Cemetery
- Attend a Memorial Service
- Observe the One Minute of Silence
- Keep the History Alive
- It was originally called Decoration Day
- It wasn’t always celebrated the last Monday of May
- It’s legally required to observe a National Moment of Remembrance
- More than 36 million people will travel at least 50 miles from home this Memorial Day
Some ways i will show honor and respect is to thank all the Soldiers for everything they had done to our country and people. And take one minute of silence to thank the ones that died to save us and this country. Also go to the parades they will have.
I think that this is a important day because we give thanks to soldiers that risk their life . This is a very sad day for many people and the ones that lost their lost ones.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Becoming Your Best
The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leader
1.Be true to character
True means accurate or exact. Being true to yourself is one of the first thing you will want to do. There is no one way to be yourself. There are many ways. Your outward demeanor stems from your internal compass. So perhaps a better way to look at it is how to always be true to the best version of yourself.Being true to (the best version of) yourself is not a one time event. It is a constant decision you make every day, or even every hour. Sometimes you make good decisions. Sometimes you learn. Sometimes you are true to yourself. Sometimes you betray your true self.Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up, don’t berate yourself, and don’t forget that it takes courage to be true to who you are in a world that is in such a hurry to measure you up and judge you at every turn. But also know this: whoever you are, you have got that courage. You can agree or argue with me on that – that doesn’t change the fact that deep down, you can muster the courage to be your true self if you make up your mind to do so.
2. Use your Imagination
Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight, hearing, or other senses.Your relationship with the world is like a reflection in a mirror. Everything and all your life experience is a reflection of your relationship with this worlds belief systems. Like the saying goes, As you believe in your heart (imagination) so shall it be done unto you. Your Imagination reflects your imagined reality back to you like a mirror.Belief is everything. The belief of your mind is the thought of your mind, it is that simple and just that and nothing else. Thoughts are things and your thoughts create your images in your imagination. All your experience flow from all the images you play out or experience in your imagination. Imagination is real and Imagination is reality. You Are But A Reflection Of Your Imagination. Imagining Creates Reality and you are all Imagination! Your Imagination is like a mirror and your reality is a reflection in the mirror. Ever thing you image can be real.
3. Apply the power of knowledge.
Many in business believe "Knowledge is Power." Unfortunately, this is less than half the equation. Until knowledge is applied, then and only then does it become powerful. Knowledge is every where. We've probably all heard the phrase “knowledge is power.” Many of us have also eagerly endeavored to be more educated, study countless books and actively pursue knowledge in whatever means we can, all in the hopes of bettering ourselves.Of course, there's nothing wrong with that; knowledge is a fantastic asset, and it can take us so far. But, that’s only if we apply it.If we take what we know and turn it into action, we can fill our lives to the brim with our learning. From my own experience, I've gained plenty of knowledge: about myself, about life and about how to get what I want. I've inundated my brain with “Ted Talks,” myriads of articles and a sizable chunk of the inspirational quotes available on Instagram.I could dish out advice left, right and center, and even lay out plan after plan for myself to achieve my goals.But, until I took those steps, I wouldn't have what I wanted. Until I took my own advice, I would be a hypocrite.Theory is wonderful, but if it's just waiting on the tip of your tongue ready to preach, it can stunt your growth.Until we get practical and turn our words into actions, the knowledge we acquire is merely potential, not power.Knowing heaps and doing nothing led to incredible frustration for me in the past.
4. Never give up.
Never give up on anything because later on in life you will regret taking the chance. . I work hard everyday and do my best when it comes to my dream and i believe everyone should do the same just work hard and in the end it will pay off. My dream my passion what drives me to keep going is to be a game developer make my own gaming company and make amazing games. Not those call of duty worthless games im talking about games that will make people want more out of it. A game that will make you happy and make you mad and cry and just experience every emotion and also that takes skill to actually play. It will be challenging to accomplish this but that is what makes it even more fun to do. I will never give up on this dream and others also should give up on their dreams if you have something you want to do then go and do it. Don't let others hold you back push them out of the way and rush forward to what you want to do. It will all be worth it in the end you will be doing what you love and you will feel so accomplished that you will want to do more with life. Giving up can be a big word but, many people take it and some don't.
5. Find peace and balance.
Inner peace and balance are very useful and important for everyone. They are highly valued by most people, but few possess them.
Here are two ways to be peaceful and blance.
1. Look, listen and feel
Intentionally taking in your surroundings and yourself, you can begin to see beauty in the world around you and within you. "Pausing to take note of what you are seeing, hearing and feeling is an incredibly important touchstone for mindful living," explains Patton Thoele. She adds, "A few 60-second check-ins a day can make an amazing difference in how you feel and can lay the groundwork for building mindful habits." Practice: Experience life with all of your senses. You can sit with your senses, eat with your senses, move with your senses, do everything with your senses. It takes conscious effort to hear, feel, see, smell and taste the many things you experience every day. Practice breathing while opening yourself up to sense everything around you. You will move yourself from "sleep living" to mindfully living, enriching your life no matter what you are engaged in doing.
2.Take Timeouts
They worked when you were little and they can work to reduce your adult levels of stress now. When you were young, your parents gave you timeouts to give you a chance to calm down, defuse your anger or have some time to think about why you are getting the time out. As an adult, you can use timeouts as reward, rather than punishment, but still benefit from the calm and introspection they provide. Practice: As soon as you feel your energy waning, take a five to ten-minute timeout to breathe deeply, feel calm, and engage your senses. Thoele Patton recommends refreshing yourself with at least three short, rejuvenating timeouts throughout your day. You can put your hand over your heart and feel it beating – and feel the beats slow down as you let the wave of calm comfort you.
6. Live the Golden Rule
Live with being a ctr person. The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a moral maxim or principle of altruism found in many human cultures and religions, suggesting it may be related to a fundamental human nature. Another example is the Golden Rule : a general rule for how to behave that says that you should treat people the way you would like other people to treat you. If you live by the golden rule you will have many things to be proud of. Many people should start now and live the rule so in the future they will feel good about what they did in life. Live this rule with great dignity. And live it with the truth. You have to stay committed to the golden rule to let us know that you are committed to life. The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They make the best on anything.
7. Build and maintain trust.
This means that once you have gain trust from someone don't loose that trust because it will be hard to get it back. One of the most important steps in building a foundation of trust is to do what you say you will do. Even if it is a small thing, canceling or failing to follow through will create hairline fractures in your trustworthiness.Trust requires that people believe you will be dependable in the long-term.Thus, when you make someone a promise, you must keep it. While there are some situations where telling the whole truth as you see it might not be the most ethical choice, in most cases, honesty really is the best policy. Tell the truth as must as you can. Sometimes it feels unavoidable to lie. Sometimes it happens without even thinking. If you do lie to someone, it is best to confess to your lie as soon as possible. Then, explain your motives and be sincere about your remorse.When you feel like lying to someone, either to spare their feelings or to spare yourself from their unfavorable response, find an anchor point to focus on. Choose something good about that person and emphasize this in your communication. People who only convey hard facts come across as cold and distant. This does not encourage trust. " Be careful who you trust, the devil was once a angel."- The Daily Post
8. Quick to listen slow to wrath.
This means that listen to advice and you know what you are doing. We are to be “quick to hear.” That means we have to stop and give the other person our attention. How many times have we heard the words, but then, when asked a question, we’ve realized we hadn’t really been paying attention and don’t actually know how to respond? We must model this willingness to really listen, to really hear. And when we can’t do so, we must let the other person know we will give them our undivided attention as soon as we’re able—and then remember to do so. And for those of us who are extroverts, the second imperative in the verse is likely the most challenging. We are to be “slow to speak.” That can be tough when a dozen responses immediately pop into our head. But not everyone is looking for our insights and so-called wisdom. Sometimes they just need someone to listen. They may be working things out by voicing their thoughts and ideas. What they actually need is a loving, caring sounding board. Our response just might have the opposite effect than we intend. We may want to help, but the underlying message the listener hears—even though it isn’t what we intend—is this: You are not capable of figuring this out; you need my help to do so.
9. Lead with vision
This means that you have to lead with your eyes because they will find the right thing to do and many more. The key elements of leadership are the ability to create a vision, then to lead people towards its fulfillment. Leaders look for new opportunities or different ways to foster growth. Leaders find the new and look to the future, building on but not resting on current success. Good leaders also look for differences and opportunities, rather than necessarily taking the most obvious or popular route. However, there is no point in being a visionary leader if your followers can’t follow, no matter how enthusiastic they might be. This is where the importance of bridge building lies, as an essential complement to vision. Setting out in a new direction requires leaders who can not only lead the way, but who can help others to follow. Leaders who prepare the way, ensuring that others can follow. They make links between where people are, and where he or she is taking them. Not surprisingly though, encouraging people to move from current reality to new ground can cause tension. Make your vision so clear that fear will become so irrelevant.
10. Manage with a plan
2. Use your Imagination
Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations in the mind that are not perceived through senses such as sight, hearing, or other senses.Your relationship with the world is like a reflection in a mirror. Everything and all your life experience is a reflection of your relationship with this worlds belief systems. Like the saying goes, As you believe in your heart (imagination) so shall it be done unto you. Your Imagination reflects your imagined reality back to you like a mirror.Belief is everything. The belief of your mind is the thought of your mind, it is that simple and just that and nothing else. Thoughts are things and your thoughts create your images in your imagination. All your experience flow from all the images you play out or experience in your imagination. Imagination is real and Imagination is reality. You Are But A Reflection Of Your Imagination. Imagining Creates Reality and you are all Imagination! Your Imagination is like a mirror and your reality is a reflection in the mirror. Ever thing you image can be real.
3. Apply the power of knowledge.
Many in business believe "Knowledge is Power." Unfortunately, this is less than half the equation. Until knowledge is applied, then and only then does it become powerful. Knowledge is every where. We've probably all heard the phrase “knowledge is power.” Many of us have also eagerly endeavored to be more educated, study countless books and actively pursue knowledge in whatever means we can, all in the hopes of bettering ourselves.Of course, there's nothing wrong with that; knowledge is a fantastic asset, and it can take us so far. But, that’s only if we apply it.If we take what we know and turn it into action, we can fill our lives to the brim with our learning. From my own experience, I've gained plenty of knowledge: about myself, about life and about how to get what I want. I've inundated my brain with “Ted Talks,” myriads of articles and a sizable chunk of the inspirational quotes available on Instagram.I could dish out advice left, right and center, and even lay out plan after plan for myself to achieve my goals.But, until I took those steps, I wouldn't have what I wanted. Until I took my own advice, I would be a hypocrite.Theory is wonderful, but if it's just waiting on the tip of your tongue ready to preach, it can stunt your growth.Until we get practical and turn our words into actions, the knowledge we acquire is merely potential, not power.Knowing heaps and doing nothing led to incredible frustration for me in the past.
4. Never give up.
Never give up on anything because later on in life you will regret taking the chance. . I work hard everyday and do my best when it comes to my dream and i believe everyone should do the same just work hard and in the end it will pay off. My dream my passion what drives me to keep going is to be a game developer make my own gaming company and make amazing games. Not those call of duty worthless games im talking about games that will make people want more out of it. A game that will make you happy and make you mad and cry and just experience every emotion and also that takes skill to actually play. It will be challenging to accomplish this but that is what makes it even more fun to do. I will never give up on this dream and others also should give up on their dreams if you have something you want to do then go and do it. Don't let others hold you back push them out of the way and rush forward to what you want to do. It will all be worth it in the end you will be doing what you love and you will feel so accomplished that you will want to do more with life. Giving up can be a big word but, many people take it and some don't.
5. Find peace and balance.
Inner peace and balance are very useful and important for everyone. They are highly valued by most people, but few possess them.
Here are two ways to be peaceful and blance.
1. Look, listen and feel
Intentionally taking in your surroundings and yourself, you can begin to see beauty in the world around you and within you. "Pausing to take note of what you are seeing, hearing and feeling is an incredibly important touchstone for mindful living," explains Patton Thoele. She adds, "A few 60-second check-ins a day can make an amazing difference in how you feel and can lay the groundwork for building mindful habits." Practice: Experience life with all of your senses. You can sit with your senses, eat with your senses, move with your senses, do everything with your senses. It takes conscious effort to hear, feel, see, smell and taste the many things you experience every day. Practice breathing while opening yourself up to sense everything around you. You will move yourself from "sleep living" to mindfully living, enriching your life no matter what you are engaged in doing.
2.Take Timeouts
They worked when you were little and they can work to reduce your adult levels of stress now. When you were young, your parents gave you timeouts to give you a chance to calm down, defuse your anger or have some time to think about why you are getting the time out. As an adult, you can use timeouts as reward, rather than punishment, but still benefit from the calm and introspection they provide. Practice: As soon as you feel your energy waning, take a five to ten-minute timeout to breathe deeply, feel calm, and engage your senses. Thoele Patton recommends refreshing yourself with at least three short, rejuvenating timeouts throughout your day. You can put your hand over your heart and feel it beating – and feel the beats slow down as you let the wave of calm comfort you.
6. Live the Golden Rule
Live with being a ctr person. The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a moral maxim or principle of altruism found in many human cultures and religions, suggesting it may be related to a fundamental human nature. Another example is the Golden Rule : a general rule for how to behave that says that you should treat people the way you would like other people to treat you. If you live by the golden rule you will have many things to be proud of. Many people should start now and live the rule so in the future they will feel good about what they did in life. Live this rule with great dignity. And live it with the truth. You have to stay committed to the golden rule to let us know that you are committed to life. The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They make the best on anything.
7. Build and maintain trust.
This means that once you have gain trust from someone don't loose that trust because it will be hard to get it back. One of the most important steps in building a foundation of trust is to do what you say you will do. Even if it is a small thing, canceling or failing to follow through will create hairline fractures in your trustworthiness.Trust requires that people believe you will be dependable in the long-term.Thus, when you make someone a promise, you must keep it. While there are some situations where telling the whole truth as you see it might not be the most ethical choice, in most cases, honesty really is the best policy. Tell the truth as must as you can. Sometimes it feels unavoidable to lie. Sometimes it happens without even thinking. If you do lie to someone, it is best to confess to your lie as soon as possible. Then, explain your motives and be sincere about your remorse.When you feel like lying to someone, either to spare their feelings or to spare yourself from their unfavorable response, find an anchor point to focus on. Choose something good about that person and emphasize this in your communication. People who only convey hard facts come across as cold and distant. This does not encourage trust. " Be careful who you trust, the devil was once a angel."- The Daily Post
8. Quick to listen slow to wrath.
This means that listen to advice and you know what you are doing. We are to be “quick to hear.” That means we have to stop and give the other person our attention. How many times have we heard the words, but then, when asked a question, we’ve realized we hadn’t really been paying attention and don’t actually know how to respond? We must model this willingness to really listen, to really hear. And when we can’t do so, we must let the other person know we will give them our undivided attention as soon as we’re able—and then remember to do so. And for those of us who are extroverts, the second imperative in the verse is likely the most challenging. We are to be “slow to speak.” That can be tough when a dozen responses immediately pop into our head. But not everyone is looking for our insights and so-called wisdom. Sometimes they just need someone to listen. They may be working things out by voicing their thoughts and ideas. What they actually need is a loving, caring sounding board. Our response just might have the opposite effect than we intend. We may want to help, but the underlying message the listener hears—even though it isn’t what we intend—is this: You are not capable of figuring this out; you need my help to do so.
9. Lead with vision
This means that you have to lead with your eyes because they will find the right thing to do and many more. The key elements of leadership are the ability to create a vision, then to lead people towards its fulfillment. Leaders look for new opportunities or different ways to foster growth. Leaders find the new and look to the future, building on but not resting on current success. Good leaders also look for differences and opportunities, rather than necessarily taking the most obvious or popular route. However, there is no point in being a visionary leader if your followers can’t follow, no matter how enthusiastic they might be. This is where the importance of bridge building lies, as an essential complement to vision. Setting out in a new direction requires leaders who can not only lead the way, but who can help others to follow. Leaders who prepare the way, ensuring that others can follow. They make links between where people are, and where he or she is taking them. Not surprisingly though, encouraging people to move from current reality to new ground can cause tension. Make your vision so clear that fear will become so irrelevant.
10. Manage with a plan
Learning a new skill and a set of strategies involves a process that must be diligently followed and acted upon. At first undertaking this process might feel uncomfortable and somewhat tedious. That is understandable, as anything new takes time and effort to practice and eventually absorb into our daily routine. When it comes to time management the process is pretty straightforward, however it may take a little patience and some effort at first, before it eventually becomes ingrained into our psyche as a new habit. Whenever goals are set, a plan of action must immediately follow. Create a quick write up and general action plan of how you will go about achieving these goals. Plan your future and there will be a possibility of coming true. Get yourself organized by starting with your thoughts. If you are finding that there is just too much information circulating around your mind at one time, then develop the habit of writing your thoughts out on paper and clearing your head of the clutter that is weighing you down. Once your plans, tasks and ideas are on paper, your head will be much clearer and more organized.Remember in order to have a plan you need time and agonizing plan.
11. Do what matters the most
This means that you know what you are going to do them do it right and know if they are consequences. There is never that much time to do everything, do the things that you know matter and are important the most. There are obstacles that will affect you but do it if you know its the right thing.
1. Make every moment matter. Too often, we are stuck feeling bitter about the past or thinking about what might happen in the future. We are either holding regrets or worrying. The truth is, there is only now. You can only live in this moment — that’s why you need to make this moment count. What’s happened has passed and what is going to happen depends on what you do right now. Make every moment matter.
2. Be happy now. Because happiness is not a destination.Just like living for the moment, be as happy as you can when you can. Realize that you don’t have to be happy when you have attained something. Happiness is something that you choose, a mental state that attracts more things to be happy about!
12. Be accountable
Subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable. Act responsible for your actions. You are you you know what you will do with your life. Step up and don't be afraid you know you can do it. Try your best because in Realizing that we've surrendered our self-esteem to others and choosing to be accountable for our own self-worth would mean absorbing the terrifying fact that we're always vulnerable to pain and loss. I recognize I have faults. I'm accountable for them, and I try to do what I can to correct them. I will say that it's unfortunate that everything I do is scrutinized to the point that it is. First, I don't watch the news, I stay away from political conversations. life you will regretted. Be responsible for yourself and not others you know your things.
Reflection: I learn many things in this series of becoming my best. They can benefit by helping me succeed in life. By choosing the right and knowing what path to take. They will help me choose what i want to become to tell the truth that's what accounts. The one i am applying right now is do what matters the most. Why? Because it's truth do what you know goes first because in life time flies by fast and you have to appreciate the time to do everything that's important in life. I will use this to my goals because they will help me to accomplish them and succeed. I will teach people about this by telling them what is right. And show them how it's done so that they know how to do it. This will lead you to success in life.
11. Do what matters the most
This means that you know what you are going to do them do it right and know if they are consequences. There is never that much time to do everything, do the things that you know matter and are important the most. There are obstacles that will affect you but do it if you know its the right thing.
1. Make every moment matter. Too often, we are stuck feeling bitter about the past or thinking about what might happen in the future. We are either holding regrets or worrying. The truth is, there is only now. You can only live in this moment — that’s why you need to make this moment count. What’s happened has passed and what is going to happen depends on what you do right now. Make every moment matter.
2. Be happy now. Because happiness is not a destination.Just like living for the moment, be as happy as you can when you can. Realize that you don’t have to be happy when you have attained something. Happiness is something that you choose, a mental state that attracts more things to be happy about!
12. Be accountable
Subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable. Act responsible for your actions. You are you you know what you will do with your life. Step up and don't be afraid you know you can do it. Try your best because in Realizing that we've surrendered our self-esteem to others and choosing to be accountable for our own self-worth would mean absorbing the terrifying fact that we're always vulnerable to pain and loss. I recognize I have faults. I'm accountable for them, and I try to do what I can to correct them. I will say that it's unfortunate that everything I do is scrutinized to the point that it is. First, I don't watch the news, I stay away from political conversations. life you will regretted. Be responsible for yourself and not others you know your things.
Reflection: I learn many things in this series of becoming my best. They can benefit by helping me succeed in life. By choosing the right and knowing what path to take. They will help me choose what i want to become to tell the truth that's what accounts. The one i am applying right now is do what matters the most. Why? Because it's truth do what you know goes first because in life time flies by fast and you have to appreciate the time to do everything that's important in life. I will use this to my goals because they will help me to accomplish them and succeed. I will teach people about this by telling them what is right. And show them how it's done so that they know how to do it. This will lead you to success in life.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Ten Tips for Being Truthful
The Ten Tips
1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
2. Tell someone about your commitment.
Reflection: Making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause. Before you make a commitment, think carefully. A commitment obligates you to do something. These two go together because you make a commitment you have to do it tell someone and they will remind you to do it. Making a commitment is a BIG thing because you will have force to do t, you just can't play around and not do it because there you are cheating yourself. For example if you do a commitment that you will do your homework every day. Then that means that you will do it everyday because you can't fail to do that, then you have cheated yourself. I will use this tip by making a list what i need to do everyday.
3. Think before you give a dishonest answer.
Reflection: This is the definition of dishonesty: Lack of honesty the quality of being untruthful or deceitful. Dishonesty is a quality which sits at conflicting ends with truth. Many of us have probably experienced dishonest behavior by others at some point in our lives, be it people keeping secrets, lying, keeping up a facade, being hypocritical, or trying to cheat us. On the map of consciousness, dishonesty tends to be dominant among lower consciousness people. Think before you say something.
4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
Reflection: A statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is exaggeration. The use of irony to mock or convey contempt sarcasm. The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect irony. This means that we have to be careful who and how we talk to someone because we never know then we might hurt someone. And make them feel bad so that they won't talk to you no more. You can use these words but in jokes. But, not to hurt someones feeling. Many people use it in a good way or bad way i would like to use it in a good way because why would i want to hurt someone.
5.Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it. Reflection: Truth is the quality or state of being true. Say the truth before you make it more bigger and it hurts other people. You should think about the consequences and think about whether you make it bigger or just go to the point. Truth always come first in anything, truth helps you solve things. Or it can make it worst depends on the situation you are in. Say the truth is better then denying it because your friends and family might not trust you again. But by saying the truth it will help things to get better. People should start to tell the truth so there will not be no problems because sometimes problems are hard to fix, but if you tell the truth then little by little it will solve and you will be happy of what you did.
6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
Reflection: Lies means that you can't tell someone something honest. Lies can harm people in so many ways. Enjoy the time you have right on with the people you love. Don't judge when you don't know nothing. Don't point fingers and assume that the person you are pointing at did it. Mostly everyone lied about someone or something in this world nobody is perfect. Lying is extremely stressful. It causes you to be constantly looking over your shoulder and wondering who might be finding you out. You’re always running through the lies you’ve told in your head, trying to keep track of what you’ve told to which person, and what’s the next lie you need to tell. When you’re honest, you don’t have those worries, or the negative consequences of your lies.
7. Watch out for silent lies.
Reflection: Lies between your own friends and family. To keep quite when you know whats going on but you can't say anything because you will lose that friendship or trust with that person. With you having a silent lie you cant really don't do nothing because you will have really bad problems if you do. Many people have lies in themselves but you can't keep that from stopping you because you will make things worst, just be honest and tell your friends so that they won't find out and you will loose that trust. Lies come and go like friends come and go. But you have to know who are the real ones and who don't deserve the truth. Big or small lies there are still lies no matter what. Nothing last forever. Forever is a lie. All we have is between hello or goodbye. Don't say a lie when you know your actions are not the same.
8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
Lying is really on of the worst things you can do. Especially to a friend because friends are there for you to trust and tell them the truth because they will always be there for you only sometimes. Never try to mess a life with a lie because them you will have some consequence. When you catch yourself lying stop and think about what you are doing. Ether you are doing bad or good. If you are doing bad then go back and open your mouth with the truth. Truth is like trust they trust you to tell the truth and not a lie. Many people are scared because they like in a negative yeah sometimes things can go wrong when you tell a lie but sometimes there are positive.
9.Talk to yourself.
If you don't have no one to talk to them talk to yourself. Many people think it's mental to talk to yourself because you are talking to yourself. Many people are not there for you when you need them so if they are not there then try your best of talking to yourself because you know whats going on. Think first or talk it out with yourself before you are going to do something wrong. used to refer to the person being addressed as the object of a verb or preposition when they are also the subject of the clause.Start talking to yourself to increase the performance and function of your brain. It is crazy not to talk to yourself because you would miss out on the benefits that come with self-talk. The key is to practice doing it until it becomes natural. Talking to yourself makes your brain work more efficiently. Talking out loud to yourself helps you only when you know what you need. You can organize your thoughts. You can say always tell the truth and remember yourself.
10.Treat yourself when you tell the truth.
You know that you had tell the truth if you said the right thing. If you did them give yourself a treat for doing it. See yourself in the future. As I mentioned, once you get a taste of the freedom of honesty, it’s hard not to want more of that. So set your sights on a time when you’re living fully into your life, and then go from there—making that reality present a little more every day.
Do things that make you feel pride. You don't have to lie if you feel good about yourself! Surround yourself with caring, understanding people who will respect you for who you are. Do things that give you pleasure and that make you feel proud of yourself. Getting super-drunk every night might make you feel good for a couple hours, giving you pleasure, but the ice-pick in your brain the next morning at work will have you feeling embarrassed and guilty when you can't make it into work. Take care of yourself, mentally and physically. Don't do things you're embarrassed to do.
Reflection: I like this overall because i think saying to truth to someone is really important because you make yourself clear on things and you won't think wrong about that person. I wouldn't like to speak with the truth sometimes because i would beak that person promise. And tell someone with out their permission.
1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
2. Tell someone about your commitment.
Reflection: Making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause. Before you make a commitment, think carefully. A commitment obligates you to do something. These two go together because you make a commitment you have to do it tell someone and they will remind you to do it. Making a commitment is a BIG thing because you will have force to do t, you just can't play around and not do it because there you are cheating yourself. For example if you do a commitment that you will do your homework every day. Then that means that you will do it everyday because you can't fail to do that, then you have cheated yourself. I will use this tip by making a list what i need to do everyday.
3. Think before you give a dishonest answer.
Reflection: This is the definition of dishonesty: Lack of honesty the quality of being untruthful or deceitful. Dishonesty is a quality which sits at conflicting ends with truth. Many of us have probably experienced dishonest behavior by others at some point in our lives, be it people keeping secrets, lying, keeping up a facade, being hypocritical, or trying to cheat us. On the map of consciousness, dishonesty tends to be dominant among lower consciousness people. Think before you say something.
4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
Reflection: A statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is exaggeration. The use of irony to mock or convey contempt sarcasm. The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect irony. This means that we have to be careful who and how we talk to someone because we never know then we might hurt someone. And make them feel bad so that they won't talk to you no more. You can use these words but in jokes. But, not to hurt someones feeling. Many people use it in a good way or bad way i would like to use it in a good way because why would i want to hurt someone.
5.Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it. Reflection: Truth is the quality or state of being true. Say the truth before you make it more bigger and it hurts other people. You should think about the consequences and think about whether you make it bigger or just go to the point. Truth always come first in anything, truth helps you solve things. Or it can make it worst depends on the situation you are in. Say the truth is better then denying it because your friends and family might not trust you again. But by saying the truth it will help things to get better. People should start to tell the truth so there will not be no problems because sometimes problems are hard to fix, but if you tell the truth then little by little it will solve and you will be happy of what you did.
6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
Reflection: Lies means that you can't tell someone something honest. Lies can harm people in so many ways. Enjoy the time you have right on with the people you love. Don't judge when you don't know nothing. Don't point fingers and assume that the person you are pointing at did it. Mostly everyone lied about someone or something in this world nobody is perfect. Lying is extremely stressful. It causes you to be constantly looking over your shoulder and wondering who might be finding you out. You’re always running through the lies you’ve told in your head, trying to keep track of what you’ve told to which person, and what’s the next lie you need to tell. When you’re honest, you don’t have those worries, or the negative consequences of your lies.
7. Watch out for silent lies.
Reflection: Lies between your own friends and family. To keep quite when you know whats going on but you can't say anything because you will lose that friendship or trust with that person. With you having a silent lie you cant really don't do nothing because you will have really bad problems if you do. Many people have lies in themselves but you can't keep that from stopping you because you will make things worst, just be honest and tell your friends so that they won't find out and you will loose that trust. Lies come and go like friends come and go. But you have to know who are the real ones and who don't deserve the truth. Big or small lies there are still lies no matter what. Nothing last forever. Forever is a lie. All we have is between hello or goodbye. Don't say a lie when you know your actions are not the same.
8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
Lying is really on of the worst things you can do. Especially to a friend because friends are there for you to trust and tell them the truth because they will always be there for you only sometimes. Never try to mess a life with a lie because them you will have some consequence. When you catch yourself lying stop and think about what you are doing. Ether you are doing bad or good. If you are doing bad then go back and open your mouth with the truth. Truth is like trust they trust you to tell the truth and not a lie. Many people are scared because they like in a negative yeah sometimes things can go wrong when you tell a lie but sometimes there are positive.
9.Talk to yourself.
If you don't have no one to talk to them talk to yourself. Many people think it's mental to talk to yourself because you are talking to yourself. Many people are not there for you when you need them so if they are not there then try your best of talking to yourself because you know whats going on. Think first or talk it out with yourself before you are going to do something wrong. used to refer to the person being addressed as the object of a verb or preposition when they are also the subject of the clause.Start talking to yourself to increase the performance and function of your brain. It is crazy not to talk to yourself because you would miss out on the benefits that come with self-talk. The key is to practice doing it until it becomes natural. Talking to yourself makes your brain work more efficiently. Talking out loud to yourself helps you only when you know what you need. You can organize your thoughts. You can say always tell the truth and remember yourself.
10.Treat yourself when you tell the truth.
You know that you had tell the truth if you said the right thing. If you did them give yourself a treat for doing it. See yourself in the future. As I mentioned, once you get a taste of the freedom of honesty, it’s hard not to want more of that. So set your sights on a time when you’re living fully into your life, and then go from there—making that reality present a little more every day.
Do things that make you feel pride. You don't have to lie if you feel good about yourself! Surround yourself with caring, understanding people who will respect you for who you are. Do things that give you pleasure and that make you feel proud of yourself. Getting super-drunk every night might make you feel good for a couple hours, giving you pleasure, but the ice-pick in your brain the next morning at work will have you feeling embarrassed and guilty when you can't make it into work. Take care of yourself, mentally and physically. Don't do things you're embarrassed to do.
Reflection: I like this overall because i think saying to truth to someone is really important because you make yourself clear on things and you won't think wrong about that person. I wouldn't like to speak with the truth sometimes because i would beak that person promise. And tell someone with out their permission.
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